Ancestry Connections Genealogy
About Ancestry Connections

Saunsuray Govere

Kim Richards
Ancestry Connections is a trailblazer when it comes to providing affordable genealogy services relevant to the needs of contemporary family researchers. We can assist you in meeting your family genealogy goals.
Our genealogists have extensive experience as family historians and have a variety of qualifications. Our researchers are based in the United States, Canada, Southern Africa and in various European countries. Our genealogists take pride in delivering:
• Accurate information
• Carefully documented ancestral connections
• Customized work to match your goals
• Quality products and services
Our work ethics underscore our practice.
Contact us for a free consultation.

Kim Richards is a co-founder of Ancestry Connections. Kim has twenty-five years of genealogy experience and leads the genealogy team. She has a background as a family historian, social scientist, family counselor, writer and high school and university educator.