Ancestry Connections Genealogy
Genealogy Support Services
Many people create their own family histories, but sometimes they need professional assistance with research, translation, photo repair or other types of services. Purchase affordable hourly assistance or specific packages for additional savings.
Listed below are some ways we can assist you. Let us know if you have a special request not covered below:
Provide a customized step-by-step plan for your genealogy research - helpful guidance to get you up and running or keep your project on track.
Analyze a genealogy brick wall - we will analyze what you already know and provide a report indicating next steps to take, or we can take the next steps for you.
Validate if family stories have some truth to them or not.
Confirm your research findings.
Do look-ups in online subscription genealogy databases.
Produce genealogy charts from your research.
Retrieve documents.
Access offline repositories and archives such as libraries, archives, courthouses, health departments, churches and cemeteries.
Document translation
Create narrative reports from your genealogy research.
Photograph grave markers and other historical sites of interest.
Photo blemish repair
Prepare lineage society applications and perform additional research that may be required to complete an application (research requires additional fees).
Digitize and organize your existing family history information.
Our translators and genealogists based outside of the United States may have rates based on their local economies, so please ask for a price quote.